
I don't really know anything about how to frame an image, or how to make sure an image has the right amount of exposure, or anything like that, but sometimes I just kind of like taking pictures of things.

These are some of my more recent photos that I'm proud of.

Back in the day, I used to have a cheaper phone that took really grainy images in the dark, so I liked to use that to my advantage. I kind of miss it to be honest. My Google Pixel photos just don't really look as good to me. I took both of these pictures at midnight when there was supposed to be a brighter full moon than normal.

I think I took this at a dentist appointment. I currently use it for my Spotify profile pic. I have a few other pictures of light being reflected through glass, but I don't think they're as good as this one.

I think I took all of these around the same time. The witch hut thing is something my brother built for some reason.

I took these around Christmas of 2020. All the Christmas lights were some of the best photo ops, especially with how bad my phone camera was with exposure.

The last picture I took in a Dairy Queen parking lot. Not sure why someone was setting off fireworks there.